Life In A frame
The film revolves around the story of a boy named Bhavin Parmar (Bhavu) who is being pressurised by his mother to live in a world full of books and studies. Living with such a burden, he makes his life less of books and more of colours and frames. Be...
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Life In A frame
The film revolves around the story of a boy named Bhavin Parmar (Bhavu) who is being pressurised by his mother to live in a world full of books and studies. Living with such a burden, he makes his life less of books and more of colours and frames. Be it day or night, he is lost in a world of photography. To follow his passion, he goes to any extent and discovers a change in his life. What happens next is an experience change for him. A perception on how he looks at things and sees his life in a frame.
Categories: Action & Adventure, International Movies, Bollywood